In a quiet corner of Uttar Pradesh, the village of Titora became the unlikely stage for a story that has now captured the attention of the nation. Atul Kumar, an 18-year-old Dalit student from a financially strained family, achieved the dream that many students across India strive for — cracking the prestigious IIT JEE-Advanced examination. His hard work earned him a seat in the Electronics Engineering branch at IIT (ISM) Dhanbad.However, this triumph soon turned into heartbreak. Due to financial constraints and a technical glitch, Atul missed the deadline to pay the acceptance fee of Rs 17,500, jeopardising his chance at a better future.
On June 24, after his parents had painstakingly gathered the required amount, Atul attempted to complete the payment process on the admission portal. However, the portal closed before he could submit his details.
His family’s financial situation made this setback all the more painful. Rajendra Kumar, Atul’s father, works as a daily wage labourer in a cloth factory in Meerut, earning a mere Rs 450 per day. Atul’s mother, Rajesh Devi, supplements their income by working in the fields and making cots. Despite these hardships, the family has always prioritised education, with Atul’s older brothers achieving remarkable academic success. One of his brothers completed his MTech from NIT Hamirpur, while another graduated with a BTech from IIT-Kharagpur.
A Glimmer of Hope from the Supreme Court
Alongside efforts to resolve the issue with IIT Madras, Atul turned to the Madras High Court for legal assistance, which recommended that he approach the Supreme Court for relief.
The village of Titora was abuzz with conversation and support for Atul, who was determined to reclaim his seat at IIT. After his case reached the Supreme Court, where Chief Justice D Y Chandrachud, moved by Atul’s plight, assured him that the court would help him as much as possible. “We will help you as far as possible,” the CJI said, while the court sought responses from the Joint Seat Allocation Authority and IIT-Madras, where Atul had taken his exams.
The SC invoked its extraordinary powers under Article 142 of the Constitution to grant Atul admission to IIT Dhanbad. Atul, who ranked 1,455 in the JEE (Advanced) 2024 exam within his category, had been offered a seat in the Electrical Engineering programme for the four-year Bachelor of Technology course. This was his second and final chance at securing admission.
Back in Titora, the Supreme Court’s intervention offered a glimmer of hope. The local community rallied behind Atul and his family. One neighbour, who lent Rs 10,000 to help, expressed the village’s collective belief in Atul’s future. A TNN report quotes neighbour Pawan Kumar saying, “Despite their financial struggles, education has always been their priority, and we are sure Atul and his brother will go on to emulate their older siblings.”
Uttar Pradesh Government Steps In
As things finally seemed to be falling into place, the Uttar Pradesh government took a step that came as a huge relief to the family, struggling to make ends meet, yet unwavering in their commitment to education. In a statement released on Wednesday, the state government announced that it would provide financial assistance to Atul. The Social Welfare Department would bear the entire cost of his education at IIT Dhanbad through a scholarship.
“Under the state’s scholarship scheme, the Social Welfare Department will bear the entire fee of IIT through scholarship so that Atul’s education can be ensured,” read the official statement. This decision came after the matter reached the attention of Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, who immediately instructed officials to ensure all possible assistance for the student.
Social Welfare Minister Asim Arun personally contacted Atul’s family, assuring them that the state government would cover the fees for his entire four-year programme at IIT. “The state government has also contacted IIT Dhanbad and taken necessary steps to complete the admission process,” said the official statement.
A Family’s Resilience Amidst Adversity
For Atul, the government’s intervention is a lifeline. Reflecting on the challenges his family has faced, Atul said in a TNN interaction, “Only we know what we’ve gone through. I need to do this for my parents. And I’m waiting to pay off Rs 3 lakh, which my father took as a loan to help us study.” His father has remained hopeful despite their financial burdens, saying, “Everything I earn goes towards my sons’ education. For six years now, we’ve been barely managing, but I believe better days will come.”
Atul’s teacher, Rajkumar Motla also reflected on his student’s perseverance. He has been quoted by TNN saying, “His story is proof that brilliance exists everywhere, even in the poorest corners of society. We’re all praying for him. Just see, the gods will listen.”
A New Beginning
Thanks to the intervention of the Supreme Court and the Uttar Pradesh government, Atul is set to begin his journey at IIT Dhanbad. His story stands as a testament to resilience, the power of community, and the importance of education as a tool for social upliftment. For Atul, the road ahead is still challenging, but with the support of his family, village, and now the state, his future looks much brighter.
(With inputs for TNN and PTI)