CSIR SO ASO Exam Date 2024: The Council Of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR), headquartered at Anusandhan Bhawan, New Delhi, has officially announced the examination dates for the Section Officer (SO) and Assistant Section Officer (ASO) recruitment on its official website – www.csir.res.in.
The recruitment examination, known as the Stage I Examination for the posts of Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer, is scheduled to take place from February 5, 2024, to February 20, 2024.The examination will be conducted in two sessions, with Paper I in the morning session and Paper II in the afternoon session. The mode of examination is Computer-Based Test (CBT).
For Paper I, candidates are required to report at 8:30 AM, with the examination scheduled to take place from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Paper II requires candidates to report at 1:30 PM, and the examination will be conducted from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
Admit Cards for the examination will be available on the CSIR website, specifically at https://www.csir.res.in/career-opportunities/recruitment/archive-recruitment, at least 10 days prior to the start date of the examination. Candidates must download their Admit Cards using their Registered Email ID and Date of Birth. It is essential to carefully read the instructions provided in the Admit Card before appearing for the examination, and note that no requests for changing the Examination Centre will be entertained.
Candidates who have chosen a Scribe in the Online Application Form need to upload relevant documents in prescribed forms before attempting to download the Admit Card.
A Mock Test Link will be communicated to the candidates through their registered Email ID. Candidates are advised to check their registered email ID, including Junk/Spam folders, for examination-related information.
In case of any difficulty in downloading or checking the Admit Cards for CASE-2023, candidates can contact the Help Desk at 07969049955. Continuous monitoring of the CSIR official websites, i.e., www.csir.res.in, for examination-related information is recommended for all candidates.
Direct link to download the CSIR SO, ASO Exam Date 2024
How to download the CSIR SO, ASO Admit Card 2024?
Step 1: Open your web browser and navigate to the official Council Of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) website at www.csir.res.in.
Step 2: Look for the ‘Career Opportunities’ or ‘Recruitment’ section on the homepage. This is where you can find information related to CSIR exams.
Step 3: Within the ‘Career Opportunities’ section, find the page specifically related to the SO and ASO recruitment or admit cards.
Step 4: On the admit card page, you will likely need to enter your registered Email ID and Date of Birth. Ensure that the information entered matches the details provided during the application process.
Step 5: Once you’ve entered the required details, look for an option to download or generate the admit card. Click on it, and the system should generate your admit card in a downloadable format.
Step 6: After downloading, carefully review the details mentioned on the admit card, such as your name, exam date, and centre. If everything is accurate, proceed to print a hard copy of the admit card. Remember to bring this document to the examination venue.
Note: Keep an eye on your registered email for any communication regarding the admit card, and follow instructions provided by CSIR throughout the process.
The recruitment examination, known as the Stage I Examination for the posts of Section Officer and Assistant Section Officer, is scheduled to take place from February 5, 2024, to February 20, 2024.The examination will be conducted in two sessions, with Paper I in the morning session and Paper II in the afternoon session. The mode of examination is Computer-Based Test (CBT).
For Paper I, candidates are required to report at 8:30 AM, with the examination scheduled to take place from 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon. Paper II requires candidates to report at 1:30 PM, and the examination will be conducted from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
Admit Cards for the examination will be available on the CSIR website, specifically at https://www.csir.res.in/career-opportunities/recruitment/archive-recruitment, at least 10 days prior to the start date of the examination. Candidates must download their Admit Cards using their Registered Email ID and Date of Birth. It is essential to carefully read the instructions provided in the Admit Card before appearing for the examination, and note that no requests for changing the Examination Centre will be entertained.
Candidates who have chosen a Scribe in the Online Application Form need to upload relevant documents in prescribed forms before attempting to download the Admit Card.
A Mock Test Link will be communicated to the candidates through their registered Email ID. Candidates are advised to check their registered email ID, including Junk/Spam folders, for examination-related information.
In case of any difficulty in downloading or checking the Admit Cards for CASE-2023, candidates can contact the Help Desk at 07969049955. Continuous monitoring of the CSIR official websites, i.e., www.csir.res.in, for examination-related information is recommended for all candidates.
Direct link to download the CSIR SO, ASO Exam Date 2024
How to download the CSIR SO, ASO Admit Card 2024?
Step 1: Open your web browser and navigate to the official Council Of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) website at www.csir.res.in.
Step 2: Look for the ‘Career Opportunities’ or ‘Recruitment’ section on the homepage. This is where you can find information related to CSIR exams.
Step 3: Within the ‘Career Opportunities’ section, find the page specifically related to the SO and ASO recruitment or admit cards.
Step 4: On the admit card page, you will likely need to enter your registered Email ID and Date of Birth. Ensure that the information entered matches the details provided during the application process.
Step 5: Once you’ve entered the required details, look for an option to download or generate the admit card. Click on it, and the system should generate your admit card in a downloadable format.
Step 6: After downloading, carefully review the details mentioned on the admit card, such as your name, exam date, and centre. If everything is accurate, proceed to print a hard copy of the admit card. Remember to bring this document to the examination venue.
Note: Keep an eye on your registered email for any communication regarding the admit card, and follow instructions provided by CSIR throughout the process.