by Robert A. Scott NicoElNino/ Shutterstock The “arrogance of power” and the “imperial presidency” are…
News and Articles
In Defense of the English Literature Major: How Administrators and Staff Can Protect an Endangered Degree
Pixabay/Pexels English Literature has long been a staple of the undergraduate curriculum, but in recent years,…
Ask the Expert: Why is It Often Assumed that Black Faculty Members Will Teach the Diversity Courses?
“Ask the Expert” is your chance to get advice and insight from experts on specific questions…
How to ‘Work Your Next Job’ Without Quitting Your Current One
eamesBot/ Shutterstock If you’re unhappy, unfulfilled, or stuck in your career, maybe it’s time to start…
“Queering Higher Education” – HigherEdJobs
by Sergio A. Gonzalez, M.A., M.Ed. Markus Spiske/ Pexels As the conversations around diversity, equity,…
Promise Programs Improve Educational Opportunity
Ariya J/ Shutterstock College affordability is paramount to college access. Many students with the potential and…
Community College Faculty Hiring from the Dean’s Perspective
by Dr. Nicholas Vick Edmond Dantès/ Pexels Community college faculty are dedicated practitioners who often…
How to Respond to Bad Interview Questions
Leeloo Thefirst/ Pexels Recently, HigherEdJobs followers shared with us some of the best and worst interview…
Restoring Culture through Trust and Communication
by Wayne M. Burton The author congratulates the new, permanent president, Liz Russell In mid-October…
Improving Religious Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Ed
Yuriy Golub/Shutterstock Large or small, public or private, most universities and colleges have seen an increasingly…