It was a good Sunday at the box office as around Rs. 50 crores more came in. Of course, since this is one BIG Sunday which saw two high profile films releasing alongside, expectations were that there would be a thunderous explosion at the box office. While that didn’t quite happen, thankfully it hasn’t been a damp squib either as both Dunki and Salaar (Hindi) did well enough to at least cross the half century mark together.
Dunki has been collecting better from the very first day and it did the same on Sunday as well with Rs. 29 crores coming in. Of course it’s also running on a higher count of screens and shows, and with the star power of Shah Rukh Khan coming into picture, audience reception is certainly there. The good part is that it had shown growth over Saturday collections and though it isn’t huge, thankfully it isn’t flat either and that has brought the overall total to Rs. 101.50 crores.
On the other hand Salaar has scored a half century in its Hindi version. The Prabhas starrer too saw a growth and yet again if though it isn’t very huge, it’s still there and that too primarily on the power of single screens and mass centres. The film hit the Rs. 20 crores mark and that’s good considering the style and narrative which is catering to a certain segment of audiences. With Rs. 54 crores under its belt so far, it would be aiming to score really big today so that it could aim for that century mark by the close of week.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Salaar Box Office Collection , Salaar Movie Review