Last year when the Hindi version of KGF: Chapter 2 had released, it has stunned one and all with a blockbuster opening of Rs. 53.95 crores. In one single shot, it had surpassed the entire lifetime business of the Hindi version of KGF: Chapter One. Of course, it was a partial holiday too but still to gain such kind of numbers was unbelievable and later it sustained well too to not just surpass Bollywood’s biggest grosser till then, Dangal, but also enter the Rs. 400 Crore Club.
While one waits to see the kind of lifetime business that Animal does till the film is actually seen, when it comes to the opening day numbers the film is pretty much aiming for a similar response as KGF: Chapter 2. In fact, it may reach the exact same numbers despite the A certificate and a running length of way past the three hours mark which would result in lesser shows. In terms of the occupancy, it should be pretty much similar since the film is aiming for the same demographics – youth across class as well as mass centres – which likes to be entertained by violent drama. Yash did that in the Prashant Neel directed film and now Sandeep Reddy Vanga seems to have put together a similar set up for Ranbir Kapoor.
All of that would ensure that at least Rs. 50 crores would come on the opening day itself for Animal. Yes, there is Sam Bahadur as well but then that film would have a journey of its own and won’t really come in the way of Animal. If the film ends up clicking with the audiences, which seems like the case to be, then it could go just about anywhere.
More Pages: Animal Box Office Collection , Animal Movie Review