After collecting close to Rs. 19 crores between them on Friday, Oppenheimer and Barbie paired up well to not just cross the Rs. 20 crores mark but also add a lot more to that, hence resulting in over Rs. 23 crores more coming in on Saturday.
Of course, the chunk of the moolah came from Oppenheimer which continued its intense running by collecting Rs. 17 crores more. This is a huge number indeed because never before has a core drama film collected so very well at the Indian box office. Yes, action films usually do wonders at the Indian box office though in all fairness, even then the numbers are not so big always. Hence, it’s really remarkable how a movie about quantum physics and the mechanics involved with it getting so much of traction from the Indian audiences. Currently standing at Rs. 31.50 crores, the Christopher Nolan film will go past the Rs. 50 crores mark before the first weekend is through.
On the other hand, Barbie too has now crossed the Rs. 10 crores mark, which is no less feat either. The film ended up collecting Rs. 6.50 crores more on Saturday and it’s good to see footfalls coming in for a film belonging to this genre, which has such a limited appeal in India. Moreover, the actors (Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling) haven’t really seen a commercial success in India before, despite being around for long and hence for audiences to accept them warmly is a feat in itself. The rom-com has now reached Rs. 11 crores and while Rs. 18 crores mark would be comfortably crossed today, a bit more would be added to its total as well before the weekdays kickstart.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Barbie (English) Box Office Collection , Barbie (English) Movie Review