Booking, Agoda, Expedia or Priceline?

Vacations can be fabulously relaxing.

But booking one is another story.

The average traveler views 141 pages of travel content in the 45 days prior to booking a trip, according to an Expedia Group report.

The most popular site to visit was an OTA — or “online travel agency” — which is an industry term that describes booking websites like Expedia, Travelocity, Orbitz and Priceline. Some 80% of travelers visit one, whether they book on it or not, according to the report.

Booking, Agoda, Expedia or Priceline?

But which one has the best prices?

The travel company RatePunk has a browser extension that compares hotel prices pulled from major hotel websites and hundreds of OTAs, said company CEO Justin Albertynas.

The company reviewed more than 198,000 user searches from Jan. 1 to Dec. 1, 2023, to find which websites offer the lowest hotel prices, he told CNBC Travel.

Lowest hotel rates in Asia and the Middle East

Lowest hotel rates in Europe

Lowest hotel rates in the U.S.

Lowest rates in certain countries and cities

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