IBPS RRB CRP exam is conducted for vacancies in regional rural banks.
RBI conducts a separate examination of its own. In 2023, the exam for RBI Grade B Exam for Officer or Clerk Cadre is scheduled to be held on July 9 and July 16.
Many young individuals aspiring for government jobs often choose to pursue a career in the banking sector by appearing for bank exams. It is important to note that each bank has its examination process for recruitment. While numerous candidates diligently prepare for these exams, success in the very first attempt is not guaranteed.
The majority of banks rely on the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) to conduct the recruitment examinations, ensuring a standardised and fair selection process for vacancies. It is crucial to understand the syllabus and exam format for each competitive exam that will be held for a job in a bank if you are prepared for one. It is advisable to be familiar with all relevant information related to bank exams before applying for them.
RBI Exam
Candidates who desire to work in the banking industry can take the RBI Grade B Exam for Officer or Clerk Cadre. RBI conducts a separate examination of its own. In 2023, the exam for RBI Grade B Exam for Officer or Clerk Cadre is scheduled to be held on July 9 and July 16.
SBI Bank Exam
Many exams are held to fill open positions at the State Bank of India. SBI PO Exam, SBI SO Exam and SBI Clerk Exam are a few of them. The initial in-hand salary of SBI PO ranges between Rs 52,000- Rs. 55,000 per month with the basic pay of Rs 41,960.
IBPS PO test
The IBPS PO test is divided into three sections, the preliminary exam, the main exam and the interview round. Check the most recent IBPS PO notification before starting your exam preparation.
IBPS RRB CRP exam is conducted for vacancies in regional rural banks. Through this, candidates are selected for banks located in rural areas of the country. These include cooperative banks and public sector banks.
SBI PO exam
These exams are conducted by the State Bank of India (SBI) to select eligible candidates for the Probationary Officers (PO) vacancies in different branches. SBI PO notification 2023 is expected to be released along with SBI PO Online Registration and Exam Dates. It is one of the most coveted jobs in the banking industry and a dream job for millions of aspirants across India.
SBI Specialist Officers (SO) Exam
Specialist Officers (SO) for SBI bank are selected through SBI SO Exam (SBI SO Exam). Following the exam, the selected candidate’s interview is also taken. Preference is given to experienced candidates.