Bajaj has recently launched the Chetak 3201, a special edition available only on Amazon. For Rs 1.29 lakh (ex-showroom, Bangalore), the Chetak 3201 claims to have a 136km range which is higher than the top-spec Chetak Premium.
- Available in only one colour
- 73kph top speed
Bajaj Chetak 3201 Special Edition launch details
The limited edition Chetak 3201 comes finished in black, along with ‘Chetak’ stickering on the side panels and a two-tone quilted seat. Bajaj has equipped this model with a monochrome TFT as standard, but it can be upgraded to a colour TFT by purchasing the ‘TecPac’. The company hasn’t mentioned the cost of the TecPac but includes features like a TFT that supports Bluetooth connectivity, turn-by-turn navigation, and two riding modes (Sport and Eco). Additionally, the Chetak 3201 boasts a 3.2 kWh battery pack similar to the top-spec Premium variant but has a higher claimed range and charging time.