Actor Babil Khan, who garnered love for his role in the Netflix series – The Railway Men, has always been open about his deep-seated affection for his late father, the legendary Irrfan Khan, and his mother, Sutapa Sikdar. In fact, his adorable bond with his mother is often showcased through candid moments and playful exchanges on social media. While Babil has also spoken about his interest he had to join hands with his late father for a project, the actor got a similar dream fulfilled as he will be collaborating with his mother Sutapa Sikdar.
Babil Khan and mother Sutapa Sikdar fuel up speculations about a collaboration with their latest social media post
The duo are collaborating for an exciting new and upcoming project marking their first-ever collaboration between them. While he sadly wasn’t able to work his father, Babil is still happy that he has got a chance to collaborate with his mom for this project, details of which are still under wraps. The recent video, which he shared on his social media, seems to be a teaser announcement to their project. In it, Babil can be seen talking to his mother while she is browsing on her smartphone and pulling his leg. He says, “Mumma yarrrr, yeh toh maine hi aapko sikhaya hai, hum se hi smart cheezein sikhte ho aur smart bante ho,” (Mom, I taught you this and now you’re having fun learning all the smart things from me).
Prompted by Babil’s playful banter, his mother offers her perspective on the matter. She wittily suggests that it’s her generation who has always been smart, which is why they are always right and know what they want. The banter continues as Babil jokingly points out that’s not true and the struggles his parents’ generations have faced for simple things like trying to tune the TV or radio by adjusting the antennas on the terrace are not relatable now. He further playfully teases his mother about now enjoying time through Glance on her phone that offers news and sports updates, shopping, entertainment, gaming and much more, all on the smart lock screen.
However, Babil’s mother effortlessly counters by reminding him at that at least someone’s product is smart if not her son and goes on to take his case by highlighting all the not-so-smart decisions of the younger generation such as “10-minute mein khana delivery ka technology bana li hai but it takes you guys an hour to decide what to order.” (Technology now enables delivery within 10 minutes but the younger generation takes an hour to decide what to order).
This video has further fuelled up speculation about a collaboration announcement between the two. Although the details have not been shared, we hear that fans can expect an amalgamation of heartfelt storytelling, genuine emotions, and perhaps a dash of the signature wit which will be a part of their upcoming venture.
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