Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock While employers largely value a college education, not all Americans agree. A research brief…
“College Counseling Myths” – HigherEdJobs
by Dr. Lee Keyes wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock Mental health professionals, of any type, encounter myths and misconceptions…
Writing a Cover Letter for a Joint Position
by Bertin M. Louis Jr., Ph.D. Damir Khabirov/Shutterstock It’s the beginning of another academic year…
Coach, Counsel, and Cheer: The 21st-Century Version of Leadership
In years like the past one, leaders should be making extra effort to buttress the mental…
3 Recommendations for Dealing with Your Ever-Exhausting Email Inbox
NicoElNino/Shutterstock Knowledge workers primarily use email to communicate and as their workflow funnel, but those of…
From the Military to Academia: Managing a Successful Job Search
by Dr. Phillip A. Olt Motortion Films/Shutterstock Current servicemembers and military veterans have faced some…
It’s Update Your Resume Month: We Can Help
by Monika Sziron, Ph.D. GaudiLab/Shutterstock September is International Update Your Resume Month. As we return…
Women Face Motherhood Penalty in STEM Careers Long Before They Actually Become Mothers
Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock The Big IdeaUnfounded assumptions about how motherhood affects worker productivity can harm women’s careers…
Cultural “Addition” Versus Cultural “Fit” in Faculty Hiring
StratfordProductions/Shutterstock In the last decade, there have been far too many discussions about faculty candidates’ “fit”…
Two Rules for Counting Work and Job Search Hours
mavo/Shutterstock When it comes to measuring work, higher education professionals aren’t that much different than workers…