Arunachal Pradesh Governor Lt Gen KT Parnail has encouraged the Border Roads Organisation (BRO) to expedite the integration of remote border villages under the vibrant village programme and foster inclusivity and development in border areas of the state. The governor, who is on a two-day visit to East Siang district, during a meeting with BRO’s Project Brahmank chief engineer AK Mishra at Pasighat on Tuesday, underscored the need to keep the road maintained so as to cause least discomfort to villagers.
Parnaik stressed on timely completion of roads and ensuring proper quality of work, an official statement informed here on Wednesday.
The BRO chief engineer provided a comprehensive briefing on the ongoing projects under Project Brahmank, focusing on enhancing regional connectivity and local development.
The governor, while recognising the paramount importance of robust road communication, underlined the need to accelerate the pace of road construction to ensure timely completion of nationally significant projects and the uplift of local communities.
The governor added that improved road infrastructure would have a far-reaching positive impact on the socio-economic conditions of rural population. Parnaik, while highlighting enhanced access to education and healthcare services as a significant benefit due to good roads, pointed out the potential for increased tourism given the state’s natural beauty.
He urged the BRO and all individuals associated with the premier road construction agency to actively participate in the developmental trajectory of Arunachal Pradesh.
The governor complimented the BRO, Project Brahmank and all its personnel for their dedicated and committed efforts to progress strategic roads in difficult terrain and conditions.