But when and how was this word invented, and how to deal with ultracrepidarians or what to do if you are one? Read on to know more.
The word ultracrepidarian originated from the Latin phrase ‘sutor, ne supra crepidam’ which translates to “shoemaker, not beyond the shoe.” The story goes back to the 4th century B.C. in Ancient Greece. Roman writer Pliny the Elder wrote in ‘Natural History’ that once when painter Apelles of Kos was working on his art his shoemaker pointed out a mistake on how a sandal was made. Considering the shoemaker’s expertise, Apelles of Kos listened to the shoemaker and made the changes in his painting. Happy that his advice was considered, the next day the shoemaker gave another suggestion– this time about how the leg was painted. This irked the painter Apelles and he said that one should only stick to the topics that they know of. And thus, the phrase ‘sutor, ne supra crepidam’ was used. Over the years, it gave rise to the word ultracrepidarian from the Latin phrase.

Ultracrepidarian: How the word is relevant even today
While ultracrepidarians have always been there in society, over the years they have increased with the rise of the internet and social media where everyone has an opinion about everything– be it wars, celebrities, or politics. While it is democratic to share one’s opinions, there’s also a downside to it as it can lead to misinformation, which in the digital age can be dangerous considering how quickly rumours and news spread through online mediums like Whatsapp or social media.
Why do some people become ultracrepidarians?
Call it overconfidence, people’s need to feel important in social gatherings, or the Dunning-Kruger effect wherein people who don’t have enough knowledge about a subject matter overestimate themselves– there are plenty of reasons as per psychology which leads one to be ultracrepidarian.
How to deal with ultracrepidarians?
If you identify yourself to be an ultracrepidarian, well then, that’s a good thing as self-realisation is the first step to growth and development. So the next time you are tempted to share your opinions on matters you don’t know much about, pause, reflect, and then speak. Being mindful of your words and actions can help you speak more carefully and with genuine intentions. And, being a good listener helps too. Also, don’t believe everything you read or hear which would shape your views. Instead, research and analyse topics you don’t know about.
In case you have spotted an ultracrepidarian, you can deal with them with empathy and wit. A few tips are:
1. Listen, be polite, and move on from the conversation. Not all discussions deserve your time or energy.
2. Check facts and question how reliable someone’s opinions are, before believing them.
3. Set boundaries and avoid debates, especially on critical topics like politics which could lead to arguments.
After all, Socrates once said, “The more I know, the more I realize that I know nothing.”
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