Ranbir Kapoor’s axe is killing it at the box office as the film has ended its opening week with an India collection of approx. Rs. 340 crores. According to early estimates, Animal has collected Rs. 25.50 to 27.50 crores on its seventh day taking the total collections in the vicinity of Rs. 340 crores. The movie opened to a bumper response of Rs. 63.80 crores, followed by the second day of Rs. 67.27 crores and, the third day of Rs. 70.69 crores, packing an opening weekend of Rs. 201.76 crores.
The weekdays have contributed another Rs. 140 crores and the film is now all set to explode big at the box office in its second weekend. Talking of the Hindi version, Animal has collected Rs. 23.50 crores on Thursday, with another Rs. 2.5 crores coming in from the Tamil and Telugu dubbed versions.
Animal has emerged as a HISTORIC BLOCKBUSTER and all the eyes are now to see if the film can break the lifetime collections of all-time blockbusters like Jawan, Pathaan, Gadar 2, and Baahubali 2. The trend is the best that a Hindi Origin film has seen since the release of Baahubali 2 in 2017.
It won’t be wrong to say that the word of mouth of Animal is better than the likes of Jawan, Pathaan, and Gadar 2 as these numbers are coming with an A-Rating and a Prolonged Run-Time of 3 hours and 21 minutes. The film will hold strong on the second Friday and then lay the base to grow big on Saturday and Sunday.
More Pages: Animal Box Office Collection , Animal Movie Review