Bollywood actress Alia Bhatt showcased her producer prowess once again at the trailer launch event of the upcoming series Poacher. The event, held in Mumbai on Thursday, shed light on the riveting narrative of the show, which confronts the pressing issue of ivory poaching in India. As the executive producer of Poacher, Alia Bhatt shared insights into her journey with the series, revealing her initial encounter with director Richie Mehta back in 2022, when she was pregnant with her daughter, Raha.
Alia Bhatt recalls encounter with Poacher director Richie Mehta; says, “I was heavily pregnant and just about to deliver Raha”
Reflecting on their meeting, Alia reminisced, “Richie and I met in 2022. I was heavily pregnant and just about to deliver Raha. We spoke about everything from parenting to art. That is when he introduced me to the world of Poacher, I was flabbergasted by the idea, I just couldn’t stop watching it.”
The Prime Video production, inspired by true events, boasts a stellar cast including Nimisha Sajayan, Roshan Mathew, and Dibyendu Bhattacharya in pivotal roles. Praising the talent on board, Alia emphasized, “Nimisha is outstanding, and Roshan and Dibyendu Sir are unbelievable in the series. At Eternal Sunshine Productions, we believe that we would like to be a part of stories that hold you, impact you, and stir some sort of conversation long after.”
The trailer, released on February 15, offered a glimpse into the investigation of elephant poaching in Kerala, unravelling a web of crime and mystery. Featuring a dedicated team of forest officers, NGO workers, and police constables, the series promises to captivate audiences with its gripping storyline.
Poacher is set to premiere on February 23, offering audiences an immersive and thought-provoking viewing experience that promises to leave a lasting impact.
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