Actor Rituraj Singh passed away at his home early Tuesday following a cardiac arrest, a close friend said. He was 59. Rituraj Singh, who featured in a number of daily soaps including Anupamaa, and several Bollywood films, is survived by his wife and two children. “He had been hospitalised due to some stomach issues and was discharged a few days ago. He passed away around 12.30 am at his home due to a cardiac arrest,” actor Amit Behl told news agency PTI. The news of Rituraj Singh’s death came as a shock to his fans and industry colleagues. Tributes are pouring in from all corners for the noted actor. In the middle of this, a throwback picture featuring him and Shah Rukh Khan has resurfaced online. The photo was clicked when SRK and Rituraj Singh were part of Barry John’s TAG (Theatre Action Group). In the black and white picture, we can spot Shah Rukh Khan, Rituraj Singh, Divya Seth and Deepika Amin. For those who don’t know, Barry John founded TAG in 1993 in Delhi. He is also known for nurturing some of the leading talents in the industry including Varun Dhawan, Rana Daggubati and Arjun Kapoor.
Now, let us take a look at the photo that was shared by Rituraj Singh to mark Shah Rukh Khan‘s birthday in November 2022.
The picture was first shared by Rituraj Singh in 2019. At that time, he wrote, “Four Musketeers before their Dreams came True & they moved to ( the then Bombay( now) Mumbai. On a Train (of Thought) Acting in TAG: Theatre Action Group.”
Rituraj Singh had earlier said that he and Shah Rukh Khan were “thick buddies”. Speaking to Indian Express, the actor had stated, “We used to discuss many things about life. At that age, you are just filled up with everyday stuff and there is an everyday high. We used to rehearse together and play football, among other things. Somewhere down the line, he got the feeling that acting is something that his life is all about and thank God it happened, or else, we wouldn’t have had a magnet of a miraculous star today.”
Rituraj Singh also added how Shah Rukh Khan pushed him to move to Mumbai for work. He had said, “We could fit into each other’s clothes because of the same body structure. We were real thick buddies, and those were the best days of my life. I came to Mumbai to act at his insistence. He [SRK] would come to Delhi and tell me, ‘What are you doing here? Come, let’s go to Mumbai. You’re such a good actor.’”
Apart from TV and films, Rituraj Singh also worked in a number of web series including Bandish Bandits, Made in Heaven, and Indian Police Force.