Recyclability is the main requirement for food packaging nowadays. Multilayer films possess outstanding properties and are essential in food packaging, having a strong positive environmental impact by reducing food waste. However, due to their particular composition and structures, they have previously been considered impractical for mechanical recycling, which is the most common method in the industry. Our tests have now demonstrated that film structures using our Ixan PVDC product are fully compatible with existing mechanical PE recycling. Notably, the resulting recycling can give used food packaging a second life in other applications and open new opportunities for sustainable material management without the addition of any stabilizers.
Syensqo successfully completed trials proving that multilayer food packaging with Ixan PVDC can be mechanically recycled within standard PE waste streams.
Conducted by CSI, the tests showed full compatibility without stabilisers, enabling reuse in injection-moulded items.
Compliant with EN 13430, this breakthrough supports European recycling goals and enhances sustainable material management.
Federico Baruffi, Global Marketing Manager Packaging at Syensqo
PVDC is well known to offer the best oxygen and water vapor barrier in food packaging. The tests were performed with structures for high-barrier meat packaging using PE/EVA/Ixan/EVA/PE multilayer films. The impact of the structures on the recycling process was evaluated in comparison to a reference sample of real flexible packaging waste.
The trials were conducted in compliance with EN 13430, which defines the requirements for packaging material recycling in Europe. The multilayer Ixan PVDC structures passed all testing without any critical issues in grinding, subsequent washing/drying, extrusion/pelletizing and injection molding even at 220°C.
The project has clearly proven that multilayer food packaging with PVDC can be mechanically recycled in an open loop approach together with PE waste, enabling the efficient, flexible and sustainable reuse of the resulting feedstock in injection molded items such as flower pots, pallets, benches, etc. This is a significant achievement, as European community initiatives aim to increase the percentage of plastic packaging that is effectively recycled across Europe.
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Fibre2Fashion News Desk (HU)