Vicky Kaushal, Rashmika Mandanna, producer Dinesh Vijan and director Laxman Utekar launched the trailer of Chhaava at a grand event at Mumbai’s popular single-screen theatre, Plaza. Vicky had a road show which caught widespread attention. The excitement at the trailer launch was tremendous as fans of Vicky and Rashmika couldn’t keep calm.
Chhaava trailer launch: Laxman Utekar reveals that Dinesh Vijan had reservations about the casting of ‘South Indian’ Rashmika Mandanna: “I told him, ‘Her eyes are so pure that aur koi Marathi maharani lag hi nahin sakti’”
Laxman Utekar was asked why he signed Vicky Kaushal to play Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. He immediately replied, “Because of his truthfulness and honesty. Woh jitne sacche dikhte hai, utne hi sacche hai. And I wanted a saccha hero to play the lead in Chhaava. He should have height and physicality. He should walk in such a way ki lage ki yeh dahaad maarne aa raha hai! I saw that aura only in Vicky.”
He then revealed why she signed Rashmika Mandanna saying, “In 2021, even before I began writing the script, I told Dinoo sir that I want to do this film with Vicky and Rashmika. Dino’s first reaction was, ‘Rashmika? She’s South Indian. How will she play a Marathi maharani?’. My reply was ‘Her eyes are so pure that aur koi Marathi maharani lag hi nahin sakti’!”
Rashmika Mandanna attended the trailer launch despite her leg injury. She said, “Maddock is the only production house which can really get me out of my comfort zone. Dinoo sir would tell me, ‘You have to do this role’. I’d reply, ‘Are you sure I can do it?’. He’ll make sure I do it and it would look like it’s the best work to date. That’s his power and that also explains the box office successes he has been delivering (smiles). As an artist, it’s a blessing that I get to work with people like Laxman sir, Dinoo sir and a committed and dedicated actor like Vicky. I feel privileged and extremely lucky right now. I am not someone who tears up easily but watching the trailer made me choke up.”
Chhaava releases in cinemas on February 14.
Also Read: Rashmika Mandanna spotted in wheelchair at Hyderabad Airport; heads to Chhaava trailer launch
More Pages: Chhaava Box Office Collection
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