In the latest round of teasers from Mahindra, the Indian brand has revealed new details about the upcoming BE 6e and XEV 9e. The all-new e-SUVs are scheduled to make their debut on November 16, and will be the first born-EVs from Mahindra.
- Mahindra BE 6e, XEV 9e to get 59kWh and 79kWh battery options
- Claimed 20-80% charge in 20min with a 175kW charger
- Outputs range from 231hp to 286hp for RWD models
Mahindra BE 6e, XEV 9e battery, charging details
As we had reported earlier, both e-SUVs are underpinned by Mahindra born-EV INGLO platform, which is scalable and modular in nature. Both models will also come with 59kWh and 79kWh battery packs that have a LFP (Lithium iron phosphate) chemistry. In addition, Mahindra has revealed that the batteries can charge from 20 percent to 80 percent in just 20 minutes using a 175kW DC fast charger.
Mahindra BE 6e, XEV 9e powertrain details
The Mahindra BE 6e and XEV 9e will both feature what the brand calls a ‘compact three-in-one powertrain’, made up of a motor, inverter, and transmission. The outputs for the motor range between 231hp and 286hp, depending on the application. Do note that these figures are for the rear axle-mounted motor only, and that the BE 6e, which is expected to come in AWD form, will have a higher combined output, due to the addition of a motor on the front axle.
While other details are scarce, the company has said that both e-SUVs will get drive modes, a semi-active suspension system, and brake-by-wire technology.
While we already have some info on the interior and exterior of Mahindra’s BE 6e and XEV 9e, more details on the will be revealed closer to their debut on November 26. Stay tuned.
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