Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video has opened on the expected lines as estimates indicate first-day business in the range of Rs. 5.25 crore to 5.75 crore. The film has opened better than competitor Jigra and this can be termed a win, as VVKWWV is a much smaller film than Jigra.
The film has done better in mass belts as compared to the metros, and this trend should ensure an upward swing in business on Saturday and Sunday. Though the film has won the clash against Jigra, it’s a long way ahead, as much more is expected from Rajkummar Rao after Stree 2.
The word of mouth for Vicky Vidya Ka Woh Wala Video is also mixed, however, the mass audience usually is more lenient on comedies, and hence it has a better chance of sustaining on the weekdays.