Anupam Kher took to X on Sunday morning (September 29, 2024) to address Air India after a woman reported finding a cockroach in the meal served to her and her young child during a flight. Kher noted that the woman was a student at his academy and urged the airline to resolve the issue swiftly, emphasizing that she must have experienced significant trauma.
Anupam Kher calls out Air India after his ex-student finds cockroach in meal served to young child: “She must have really gone through a huge trauma”
The incident became public when passenger Suyesha Savant shared images and videos on X, showing a dead cockroach in the omelette served on board. She revealed that her 2-year-old child had already eaten half of the omelette before they discovered the insect, which led to food poisoning for the toddler.
Dear @airindia ! Everybody knows I love everything about India. Including #AirIndia. Ms. @suyeshasavant is an ex student of @actorprepares. And not someone who complains easily. She must have really gone through a huge trauma because of her small baby involved here. While I…
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) September 29, 2024
Kher wrote in her post drawing the authorities’ attention to her post, he shared it on his X and wrote, “Dear @airindia ! Everybody knows I love everything about India. Including #AirIndia. Ms @suyeshasavant is an ex student of @actorprepares. And not someone who complains easily. She must have really gone through a huge trauma because of her small baby involved here. While I understand human error I hope you make her return journey comfortable and special to regain her faith in what I believe is one of the finest airlines in the world. Jai Ho!”
The original post read, “Found a cockroach in the omelette served to me on the @airindia flight from Delhi to New York. My 2 year old finished more than half of it with me when we found this. Suffered from food poisoning as a result. @DGCAIndi @RamMNK.”
Netizens expressed their gratitude to Kher for highlighting the issue and bringing it to everyone’s attention. One user mentioned that they canceled their father’s Air India flight after seeing the actor’s post. The airline issued an apology to Savant for the incident and promised to take immediate action.
On the work front, Kher received acclaim for his role in the courtroom drama Kaagaz 2, which premiered on March 1, 2024. Directed by V.K. Prakash, this sequel features a talented cast, including Darshan Kumar, Satish Kaushik, and Smriti Kalra.
Currently, Kher is focused on his upcoming project, Tanvi The Great, produced by his company, Anupam Kher Studio. He is also set to appear in another film, Vijay 69, further diversifying his portfolio.
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