RAIPUR: ED on Tuesday arrested a former special secretary of the food department, Manoj Soni, in connection with its probe into the alleged Rs 175 crore rice milling scam in Chhattisgarh. Soni, at present special secretary, mantralaya, was picked up from the anti-corruption bureau (ACB) office, where he had been summoned for questioning in connection with the rice scam case registered by ACB/EOW.
An Indian Telecom Service (ITS) officer on deputation to Chhattisgarh govt, Soni is a former managing director of State Marketing Federation (MARKFED).
After a round of questioning, ED placed Soni under arrest and produced him before special PMLA court judge Atul Shrivastava. The agency sought 14 days’ custody but the court remanded him in five days’ ED custody.
In Oct last year, ED had conducted searches at the premises of Soni, some Rice Millers Association office-bearers, and a few district marketing officers, alleging that MARKFED conspired to pay exorbitant amounts to rice millers in exchange for kickbacks to the tune of Rs 140 crore for the “benefit of higher powers”.
An Indian Telecom Service (ITS) officer on deputation to Chhattisgarh govt, Soni is a former managing director of State Marketing Federation (MARKFED).
After a round of questioning, ED placed Soni under arrest and produced him before special PMLA court judge Atul Shrivastava. The agency sought 14 days’ custody but the court remanded him in five days’ ED custody.
In Oct last year, ED had conducted searches at the premises of Soni, some Rice Millers Association office-bearers, and a few district marketing officers, alleging that MARKFED conspired to pay exorbitant amounts to rice millers in exchange for kickbacks to the tune of Rs 140 crore for the “benefit of higher powers”.