We all love Aamir Khan. But we love him a little bit more when he shares amusing anecdotes from his personal life. Recently, the actor appeared as a guest on Kapil Sharma’s Netflix show, The Great Indian Kapil Show. There, the veteran star recalled how his ex-wife Reena Dutta slapped him while she was in labour, giving birth to their son Junaid Khan. When Kapil asked Aamir Khan if he noticed people’s behaviour as an actor, Aamir replied, “Let me give you an idea of what I notice. It was the day when Junaid was about to be born. Reena Ji was in labour. We were at the hospital. And as a good husband, I practised some breathing exercises. As the labour got intense, I tried to calm her down with it. But I got slapped, followed by, ‘Stop this nonsense!’ Reena Ji was in immense pain. She even bit my hand.”
“Later, I realised what was happening around me. I noticed one thing when a person is in immense pain… like what women go through during childbirth. I didn’t even plan this. It is just happening to me. I looked at Reena’s face and when she was experiencing that pain… normally we think that a person’s face would contort with pain… but it is not that. When the pain is immense, the expression is of surprise. It is disbelief. A person is in denial. She could not fathom the intensity of her pain. That I noted as an actor. Later I said this to Reena when she came home with Junaid, and she was furious! (laughs),” Aamir Khan added.
Aamir Khan and Reena Dutta got married in 1986 and divorced 16 years later in 2002. The duo continue to co-parent their kids – Junaid Khan and Ira Iran. Later in 2005, Aamir Khan married Kiran Rao and they welcomed their son Azad in 2011. Aamir and Kiran parted ways in 2021. Even after the divorce, Aamir, Reena, and Kiran have been spotted together on various occasions. In January, Aamir and Reena’s daughter, Ira got married and Kiran was also a part of the festivities. On the work front, Kiran even made her directorial comeback with Laapataa Ladies which was produced by Aamir Khan.