Hailstorms ruin Amravati orange crop on 40,000ha | Nagpur News

Hailstorms ruin Amravati orange crop on 40,000ha | Nagpur News

Nagpur: Untimely week-long hailstorms in Amravati have damaged the signature Nagpur Orange crop in 40,000 hectares, out of total 75,000 hectares under the fruit cultivation in the district, for the second consecutive year. The erratic weather conditions, including strong winds, have led fruits to drop prematurely.
The trees start bearing fruits in January for harvest by October-November.In May, the fruits are slightly smaller than a lemon, said an agriculture department official.
Last year’s bouts of hailstorm andsoaring mercury levels in Amravati had taken a heavy toll on the fruit, added the official. The department is assessing the extent of loss for the compensation, said officials. Govt will grant damages if the losses exceed 33% of the average yield, they said. Manoj Jawanjal, one of the directors in Mahaorange — a state government undertaking — engaged in exploring new markets for the fruit, said.
“The farmers in Amravati were better off as most of them got the money. This is also because there are strong political leaders who vehemently take up the orange growers’ cause.”

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