Actor Kareena Kapoor is eagerly waiting for the release of her new film Crew. In the film, she will be seen essaying the role of a sassy air hostess along with Tabu and Kriti Sanon. On Thursday, she interacted with her fans via a special zoom video call and discussed her film in detail. She said, “It’s a very fun light-hearted film to watch. I think after Laal Singh Chaddha and Jaane Jaan, this is the film that all my fans will really really enjoy. The Bebo that they want to see the Bebo they love.”
In the film, Tabu, Kareena and Kriti essay the roles of air hostesses. The makers recently unveiled a teaser. From stealing peanut boxes meant for flights to planning to earn a lot of money and raising the glam quotient, the trio has been doing everything to grab eyeballs in the teaser.
The teaser begins with a voiceover by Tabu, where she warns the passengers that it is going to be too extreme for them to handle. The highlight of the teaser is Tabu hilariously hurling abuses. Diljit Dosanjh and Kapil Sharma have also marked their blink-and-miss appearances in the teaser.
Sharing the teaser’s link, Kareena took to Instagram and wrote, ” Kursi ki peti baandh lein, kyuki yahan ka taapmaan aapke liye bahot garm hone vala hai#CrewTeaser out now #CrewInCinemasOnMarch29 Tabu, Kriti Sanon, Diljit Dosanjh and a special appearance by Kapil Sharma.”
The film is made under Balaji Telefilms and Anil Kapoor Film and Communications Network banners. The film will be hitting the theatres on March 29, 2024.
Earlier it was slated to release on March 22 but the makers have decided to push the film’s release. Crew is a story of three women and is touted as a laugh-riot, set against the backdrop of the struggling airline industry. However, their destinies lead to some unwarranted situations and they get caught in a web of lies.
The movie marks the second collaboration between Ektaa R Kapoor and Rhea Kapoor after the 2018 female buddy comedy Veere Di Wedding.
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