Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav on Thursday launched two air services to promote tourism in the state, particularly with a focus on religious corridors. The services – ‘PM Shri Paryatan Vayu Sewa’ and ‘PM Shri Dharmik Paryatan Heli Sewa’ – were launched by Yadav during a function at the State Hangar, which is the government-controlled part of the airport here.
“We are initially connecting Jabalpur and Gwalior with the PM Shri Paryatan Sewa and in the days to come it will be extended to places like Khajuraho, Rewa, Shahdol and wherever airstrips will be made available,” Yadav said addressing the function.
He said that the government is trying to expand air connectivity within the state by constructing airstrips in every district.
From a religious point of view, Yadav said, the state has ‘jyotirlings’ at Ujjain and Omkareshwar.
“If a person arrives in Indore or Ujjain for trade purposes, then he should have the facility to travel to these places in the shortest possible time and these (air) services are aimed at providing the same,” he said. Similarly, if someone wants to go to Datia, Maihar or Orchha (known for Ram Raja temple), then the person should have access to a helicopter service for visiting these places in the shortest possible time, he said.
Helicopter services will also be introduced for places like Kanha National Park and Bandhavgarh Tiger Reserve, he said.
Two eight-seater twin-engine aircraft have been introduced under these services by the private operator Flyola Group, an official said, adding that the operator would select the route from main airports like Indore, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Gwalior and Khajuraho, besides other places in the state.