Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, while addressing a public meeting at Palampur in district Kangra on Thursday, said that the government was preparing a blueprint to promote tourism activities in Palampur.
He said that since the formation of the new government in the state, the development of Kangra district has been his priority, and we have pledged to make Kangra the ‘Tourism Capital‘ of the state. To increase the footfall of domestic and international tourists, the Kangra Airport is being also expanded to promote tourism, he said.
Making a series of announcements for Palampur constituency, the Chief Minister announced adequate funds for Martyr Memorial in Palampur. Besides, he announced installation of an MRI machine and operation theater in Palampur Hospital, a sewerage scheme for the town and the expansion of OBC Bhawan and Palampur bus stand.
He assured provision of adequate funds for construction of BDO office complex and additional district-level court office in Palampur, the construction of a Railway overhead bridge over Badehad-Patti Road.
The Chief Minister said that during the tenure of 15 months, the present government successfully faced the economic challenge, the challenge posed by the disaster and the political upheaval.
The Central Government did not provide any special package to Himachal Pradesh to provide relief to the disaster affected. The state government provided a special relief package of INR 4,500 crore from its limited resources to rehabilitate disaster-affected families.To overcome the financial crisis, the government exercised options to generate the same through its resources and, as a result, achieved additional revenue of INR 2,200 crore. The Central Government imposed many financial restrictions when we announced providing OPS to 1.36 lakh employees of the state in the very first cabinet meeting, whereas as soon as the BJP government was formed in Rajasthan, the OPS implemented during the Congress regime there was withdrawn.
Chief Parliamentary Secretary Ashish Butail thanked the Chief Minister for dedicating developmental projects worth about INR 250 crore to the people of Palampur and said that in the previous BJP government, the development of the area was neglected. He said that the people of the state were standing with the Chief Minister against all odds.