Bollywood actress Yami Gautam took to social media to express her delight at Cillian Murphy’s Best Actor win at the 96th Academy Awards on Monday. Murphy’s performance in Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer earned him the prestigious accolade. Yami’s congratulatory message, however, included a subtle dig at Indian film award ceremonies. She revealed her lack of faith in these events, which she termed “fake” and “filmy,” and explained why she no longer attends them.
Yami Gautam celebrates Cillian Murphy’s Oscar win; takes a dig at “fake” award shows
“Having no belief in any of the current fake ‘filmy’ awards, since the last few years, I stopped attending them,” Yami wrote on her social media account. “But today I am feeling really happy for an extraordinary actor who stands for patience, resilience & so many more emotions,” she continued, expressing her admiration for Murphy.
Yami went on to highlight the significance of Murphy’s win on a global platform: “Watching him being honoured on the biggest global platform tells us that in the end it’s your TALENT that stands the tallest above anything. Congratulations #CillianMurphy! #Oscar2024,” she wrote.
Having no belief in any of the current fake “filmy” awards, since the last few years, I stopped attending them but today i am feeling really happy for an extraordinary actor who stands for patience, resilience & so many more emotions.
Watching him being honoured on the biggest…— Yami Gautam Dhar (@yamigautam) March 11, 2024
This comes amidst critical acclaim for Yami’s performance in her latest film, Article 370. The film, directed by Aditya Suhas Jambhale and produced by her husband, filmmaker Aditya Dhar, explores the abrogation of Article 370‘s provisions granting special status to Jammu and Kashmir. Yami’s powerful performance has resonated with both critics and audiences alike, and the film has been declared tax-free in Chhattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.
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