Janhvi Kapoor, the popular Bollywood actress, celebrated her 27th birthday on March 6 in a special way. She chose to mark the occasion by visiting the Tirumala Temple, accompanied by her rumored boyfriend, Shikhar Pahariya, and her friend, Orry. Dressed elegantly in a saree, Janhvi looked stunning as she made her way to the temple. The traditional attire added grace to her birthday celebration and resonated with the sacred atmosphere of the temple.
Janhvi Kapoor’s birthday outfit was a stunning red and purple saree in Tirumala
Janhvi Kapoor is one of those celebrities who always seems to go towards the classic six-yard outfit. Her love of sarees never wavers, even though she has dabbled wearing latex suits and body-hugging gowns. She looked to this classic wardrobe staple once more as she celebrated her birthday with a pilgrimage. She chose a red saree that was ideal for her trip to the temple, with a matching red blouse and a contrasting purple skirt. With a small black bindi and her hair half-tied with pink flowers in the back, her innate beauty was evident to all, and her contagious smile was evident to all. A basic golden jhumkas completed her ensemble.
For Kapoor, consistency is essential when it comes to her makeup selections. She adheres to the ‘clean-girl’ trend and supports the idea that ‘less is more’. Her hair was styled in her favourite soft yet messy waves, and she went for a fresh and natural appearance with a little rosy blush and lip tint.
On the work front, Janhvi Kapoor has some thrilling projects lined up. Fans are eagerly anticipating her appearance in the sports drama Mr. & Mrs. Mahi alongside Rajkummar Rao, under the direction of Sharan Sharma. Additionally, she has also finished the shoot of patriotic thriller Ulajh.
Furthermore, Janhvi Kapoor is gearing up for her Telugu debut in Devara, where she will be sharing the screen with Junior NTR and Saif Ali Khan. Additionally, she is set to star alongside Ram Charan in RC16.
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