As Bollywood is gearing up to celebrate the wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant in July this year, the festivities have kicked off way earlier than expected. The families, thrilled with this union, has planned a weekend long celebration which includes a mix of activities and bashes with unconventional twists. Starting from March 1 onwards, the festivities kicked off in Jamnagar, with Mukesh Ambani and Nita Ambani at the forefront as hosts for these functions which not only saw the presence of Bollywood superstars but also international celebrities and business magnates.
Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant Story: It was not love at first sight for them but a friendship that will now last forever
With the ongoing celebrations, let us trace back the story of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant which was not a love at first sight but a beautiful friendship that blossomed into something romantic and is now becoming a union between two families. It seems that Anant and Radhika’s families, the Ambanis and the Merchants have a long-standing association in terms of business because of which the couple knew each other for years. However, it was a particular photo which went viral that practically kicked off the speculations about their alleged relationship. It featured an adorable moment between Anant and Radhika where they are seen twinning in olive green robes.
Furthermore, adding to it, was a photo which was clicked during the wedding ceremony of Isha Ambani in 2018. During the same, one of the pics featured Radhika Merchant, who attended the wedding along with her family as friends of the Ambani, taking a walk hand-in-hand with Anant Ambani.
Although both the families maintained silence, the Ambanis decided to officially announce the wedding in 2022 during Radhika’s Arangetram, a form of dance graduation among Bharatnatyam dancers, about the wedding.
For the unversed, Anant Ambani is the scion of the Ambani family along with Aakash Ambani, whereas Radhika Merchant is currently a part of the Encore Healthcare, which has her father Viren Merchant as the CEO.
Also Read: Anant Ambani meets Alia Bhatt’s daughter Raha at pre-wedding celebrations; watch
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