The pre-wedding festivities of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant, which kicked off during the weekend in Jamnagar, Gujarat, saw a host of Bollywood celebrities attending the grand functions. On Saturday, the Ambanis and Merchants hosted a grand Sangeet night that boasted of performances from the biggest stars of the country including Akshya Kumar. The actor, who is the midst of his promotions of Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, attended the event, and even performed for his audiences.
Akshay Kumar leaves audiences enthralled with his performance at the Anant Ambani – Radhika Merchant Sangeet night
Several videos from the Mela Rouge aka Sangeet Night hosted by the Ambanis have found its way online on social media platforms. Among the many videos, Akki fans were enthralled to see their idol perform on stage on Punjabi numbers. Dressed in a beige ensemble, Akshay was seen walking towards the groom-to-be Anant Ambani as he was singing the popular Bhangra number ‘Gud Naal Ishq Mita’ and greeted him quite warmly. The video obviously became quite loved among fans.
Akshay Kumar flew to Jamnagar on March 1 along with several other celebrities and has been a part of the festivities since the first day. After hosting a glamorous cocktail night on March 1, the celebrations continued on Day 2 as it kicked off with ‘a walk by the wild side’ where the guests were given a tour of the animal rehabilitation owned by the Ambanis, followed by which the grand sangeet night was hosted in honor of the couple.
Apart from Akshay, many other stars including the Khans, the Gen Z actresses, and even the millennial couples took to the stage to perform for the soon-to-be-married couple and were seen having a gala time as they mingled with each other. In fact, we hear that Day 3 too is going to see more names added to the already star-studded guestlist.
Also Read: Ranbir Kapoor and Sidharth Malhotra exchange a warm hug at Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant’s sangeet
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