Sanvordem MLA Ganesh Gaonkar on Thursday said that all temples in his constituency will be developed for tourism over the next three years. Gaonkar, who also heads the Goa Tourism Development Corporation (GTDC), said that while developing the Tambdi Surla-Dudhsagar tourism circuit was in the pipeline, a tourism-related project at Mirabag, Sanvordem, has also been proposed.
Gaonkar was speaking at a function to launch the beautification of Shree Betal Nagnath Devasthan at Dhadem, Sanvordem. Chairperson of the South Goa zilla panchayat Suvarna Tendulkar and members of Sanvordem panchayat were also present.
Gaonkar also spoke about plans of GTDC to extend Tambdi Surla-Dudhsagar circuit to include Kalay. βIn Kalay, we have plans to introduce rock climbing and other adventure tourism facilities. They require a lot of investment though, and therefore may take time. Hinterland tourism activities will improve the local economy of those villages. We have plans for monsoon tourism which will also generate employment for local youth. We need the cooperation of the locals.β Gaonkar had said.