Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya is having a good run at the box office. After seeing an increase in numbers from Monday to Tuesday, the film came on its own on Wednesday when the collections zoomed up further. Agreed that it was Valentine’s Day but still at the end of the day it wasn’t national holiday. It was more of a celebration day amongst youth, especially couples, and still to have numbers grow massively over Tuesday was quite impressive.
No wonder, with Rs. 6 crores coming in on Wednesday, the momentum is on the film’s side now. Something like this happens only when there is a national holiday like EDX. Still, the Shahid Kapoor and Kriti Sanon starrer has grown and that shows that the film has been accepted by its target audience. Yes, there is a BOGO offer running alongside as well but none of that matters if a film isn’t accepted, and since there are enhanced footfalls already, it’s apparent that there is an audience for the film.
The current score reads Rs. 38.97 crores for Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya and to reach here in just 6 days is good because even if this had been a full week score, it would have been fine after the start of Rs. 7.02 crores that was taken. Now the film will, in fact, add onto that, which would set it up well for Week 2.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya Box Office Collection , Teri Baaton Mein Aisa Uljha Jiya Movie Review