Filmmaker Siddharth Anand’s Fighter recently hit the theatres and the film received a decent response. Along with Hrithik Roshan, it also saw Deepika Padukone play an Indian Air Force pilot. Over the years, there haven’t been too many female actors to play air force pilots in Hindi movies. But there are definitely few that deserve our attention, from a seasoned actress like Kangana Ranaut to a relatively new Janhvi Kapoor.
From Deepika Padukone to Kangana Ranaut: 5 actress who played Air Force pilots
Here are 5 actresses who played air force pilots in this millennium:
Deepika Padukone in Fighter (2024)
The actress played a young and independent woman named Minal Rathore aka Mini who carved her own niche as an intelligent and responsible Indian Air Force pilot. Her character was such that she had had to fight against various obstacles, including the regressive mindset of her own parents, to reach where she is. Deepika put on a mature performance in the film.
Kangana Ranaut in Tejas (2023)
Over the years, Kangana Ranaut has acquired an image of an actress who stars in female-led films. Filmmaker Sarvesh Mewara’s Tejas was another one in the list. She played a fearless Air Force officer named Tejas Gill, who saves the Ayodhya Ram Mandir from a terrorist attack. The film, unfortunately, didn’t succeed at the box office.
Janhvi Kapoor in Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl
Director Sharan Sharma’s movie saw Janhvi Kapoor play Gunjan, a determined and ambitious young woman who aspires to become a pilot and serve her country in the Indian Air Force. Despite facing numerous challenges and societal obstacles due to her gender, Gunjan remains steadfast in her pursuit of her dream. She is inspired by her father’s (Pankaj Tripathi) belief in her abilities and decides to pursue a career in aviation. She eventually succeeds against various odds.
Kirti Kulhari in Uri: The Surgical Strike (2019)
Kirti Kulhari played Captain Seerat Kaur in the film. She is depicted as a skilled and dedicated intelligence officer serving in the Indian Armed Forces. She plays a crucial role in the planning and execution of the surgical strike carried out by the Indian Army in response to the Uri attack. The film, which was directed by Aditya Dhar, became a surprise blockbuster.
Shamita Shetty in Agnipankh (2004)
Director Sanjiv Puri’s Agnipankh is primarily about air force pilots played by Jimmy Sheirgill, Sameer Dharmadhikari and Rahul Dev. But the movie also has a pivotal part played by Shamita Shetty who is an air force pilot named Anjana aka Anjie. Apart from her professional skills, the film also features her love angle with Dharmadhikari’s character. Agnipankh was, at that time, a rare Bollywood film to feature a female air force pilot.
More Pages: Fighter Box Office Collection , Fighter Movie Review
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