After the success of Dunki, Taapsee Pannu, the renowned Indian film actress, has visited Nanhi Kali in Barabanki (Lucknow) and Moga (Chandigarh) for the third consecutive year. Nanhi Kali is a non-governmental organization that works towards the education and empowerment of underprivileged girls in India. Taapsee has been associated with the organization for the past three years and has been an active supporter of their cause.
Taapsee Pannu empowers underprivileged girls with Nanhi Kali Foundation, gifts Amar Chitra Katha books, rackets, and educational materials
Taapsee Pannu’s recent visit to Nanhi Kali in Barabanki and Moga is a testament to her dedication towards empowering underprivileged girls in India. The girls welcomed her in traditional attire and even danced with her. It’s heartwarming to see how Taapsee spent her entire day with them, educating them, sharing her thoughts, and trying to understand their needs. It’s not just about donating money, but also about giving time and attention to those in need, and Taapsee is setting a great example for all of us to follow.
During her visit, Taapsee spent a day with the girls and tried to understand their requirements. She also gifted them Amar Chitra Katha books, rackets, and other educational materials. Taapsee has been keenly monitoring the progress of the girls associated with Nanhi Kali and has been supporting them in every way possible. This is her way of expressing love and giving back to those in need.
Nanhi Kali has been working towards the education and empowerment of underprivileged girls in India for the past 25 years. The organization has been successful in providing education to over 4,50,000 girls across India.
ALSO READ: Taapsee Pannu extends support to Nanhi Kali in Barabanki and Mogha
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