Filmmaker Siddharth Anand’s last film Pathaan turned out to be a historic blockbuster, not just in India but also abroad. His next offering Fighter, which released yesterday, has been a reason for excitement for film lovers not just because of its lead cast of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone but also its impressive trailer. The movie opened decently in India as it scored Rs. 24.60 crores yesterday despite being a working day.
Fighter has opened well in the overseas market as well. As per latest updates, the cross-border action drama has grossed USD 1 million outside India, which comes down to Rs. 8.31 crores. Following this, the movie is expected to take a jump in the weekend. The movie hasn’t released in UAE and GCC because of the ban and this has had an effect on its opening, which could have been even higher otherwise.
Fighter has also had a very impressive opening in the Australia and New Zealand market as it grossed USD 174,673, which is Rs. 1.45 crores.
Fighter, which is touted to be India’s first aerial action film, also stars Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi in pivotal roles. The movie is produced by Viacom 18 Motion Pictures and Siddharth Anand’s banner Marflix Pictures.
Australia box office
174,673 USD [Rs. 1.45 cr.] from 108 screens
New Zealand box office
27,026 USD [Rs. 22.45 lacs] from 38 screens
U.K box office
123,977 USD [Rs. 1.03 cr.] from 241 screens
U.S.A box office
346,302 USD [Rs. 2.87 cr.] from 466 screens
Canada box office
181,749 USD [Rs. 1.51 cr.] from 98 screens
More Pages: Fighter Box Office Collection , Fighter Movie Review