The BJP government in Chhattisgarh on Friday decided to rename the mega religious congregation held in Rajim town during Mahashivratri as ‘Rajim Kumbh (Kalp) Mela’, which had acquired the name ‘Rajim Maghi Punni Mela‘ during the previous Congress regime, officials said. The decision was taken at a cabinet meeting chaired by Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai here on the Chhattisgarh Assembly premises. Rajim is a popular historical pilgrim site located on the bank of Mahanadi river in Gariaband district adjoining Raipur district. People visit the place to take a holy dip in the river on different occasions. A mega congregation, attended by lakhs, is held there during Mahashivratri every year.
The cabinet has decided to restart the Rajim Kumbh (Kalp) Mela to restore the glory of Rajim, a town of historical and cultural importance in the state. Rajim Kumbh (Kalp) Mela will be organised in place of Rajim Maghi Punni Mela, an official statement said.
The cabinet has approved the draft of ‘Chhattisgarh Rajim Maghi Punni Mela (Amendment Bill 2024)’ to amend the Chhattisgarh Rajim Maghi Punni Mela Act, 2006, it said.
With the resumption of the Rajim Kumbh (Kalp) Mela, the fair will gain attraction at the national and international levels. Besides, cultural and religious tourism will get a boost in the state, the release said.
In 2019, the then Congress government in the state changed the name of the religious fair to Rajim Maghi Punni Mela from Rajim Kumbh on the grounds that its ancient name was Rajim Maghi Punni Mela, which was changed by the BJP government in 2006. The BJP returned to power in the state after the recent Assembly elections.
To prevent and control water pollution in the state and maintain the purity of water, the cabinet has also decided to bring a resolution in the Assembly in connection with the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Amendment Bill, 2023, brought by the Government of India, it added.