The recent cinematic release starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, Fighter has created immense buzz at the box office. The Siddharth Anand directorial that started on a modest note, witnessed immense growth over its opening weekend in both the domestic and international markets alike. Now, after its opening weekend the business of Fighter has crossed the coveted Rs. 200 crore mark at the worldwide box office. With a staggering collection of Rs. 200 crore, the film has not only achieved a significant milestone but has also solidified its position as a box office heavyweight.
Drawing in Rs. 147.14 cr. gross from the domestic market and a further Rs. 52.79 cr. from the international markets, the total collections of the Hrithik – Deepika starrer stand at Rs. 199.93 cr. The powerhouse combination of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone has proven to be a winning formula, creating a buzz that transcends regional boundaries. Fighter has not just capitalized on the star power of its lead actors; it has harnessed their individual charisma and acting prowess to deliver a cinematic masterpiece that resonates with audiences worldwide.
The overwhelming response from audiences has been a testament to the film’s connect with viewers. Social media platforms have been flooded with praises for the performances of Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, lauding their on-screen chemistry and the depth they bring to their respective characters. Fan clubs and movie enthusiasts have celebrated the film’s success, creating a positive buzz that further fuels its box office momentum.
Currently, Fighter has not only conquered the domestic box office but has also made a significant impact on the global stage. Going forward, the journey of Fighter at the worldwide box office that is far from over is expected to see further growth in business over its first week. Advance trade predictions pain a highly optimistic image of Fighter’s box office prospects.
Fighter Worldwide Box Office at a glance
India Nett: Rs. 123.60 cr.
India Gross: Rs. 147.14 cr.
Overseas: Rs. 52.79 cr.
Total Gross: Rs. 199.93 cr.
More Pages: Fighter Box Office Collection , Fighter Movie Review