Fighter showed expected growth on Sunday as Rs. 11.50 crores came in. Yes, there was some sort of hope that maybe with a good push, the collections manage to hit the Rs. 10 crores mark at least once more in the film’s run. It was always going to be difficult though since that Monday drop was really lethal. Still, there can always be miracles and that happened indeed for the film not just on Sunday but prior to that on Saturday as well.
A double-digit score came on both the days and that has been a relief. Also, that has now pushed the film’s case for an entry into the Rs. 200 Crore Club. That’s what made both Tiger 3 and Dunki respectable because while the Salman Khan starrer, in fact, came close to even the Rs. 300 crores mark (and in the hindsight it all looks far better), the Shah Rukh Khan film also hit double century comfortably, and then collected some more, even though it was quite apparent that eventually even Rs. 250 crores would be a challenge for it.
In case of Fighter, which is rather expensive, it would be interesting to see that how much farther than the Rs. 200 crores mark does it travel; more so since the quality of the content actually warranted that it enters the Rs. 300 Crore Club with ease. This is one of those cases when a good movie won’t reach out in an optimal way to the audiences. Currently standing at Rs. 166.50 crores, one waits to see if it somehow manages to push its way towards Rs. 225 crores lifetime.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Fighter Box Office Collection , Fighter Movie Review