Karan Singh Grover, currently featuring in Siddharth Anand’s latest film, Fighter, alongside Hrithik Roshan, Deepika Padukone, and Anil Kapoor, recently shared a surprising anecdote. During a rapid-fire round in an interview with Bollywood Hungama, he revealed the craziest thing a female fan has ever done: accidentally stabbing him with a pen.
EXCLUSIVE: Karan Singh Grover recalls being accidentally “STABBED” by fan with pen; says, “It went in my arm”
During the interview, Grover recounted the craziest encounter he’s had with a fan, revealing that he was once stabbed with a pen by a fan girl while signing autographs in Kolkata. Describing the chaotic scene, he explained, “She was trying to get an autograph in Kolkata and there was a humongous crowd. She was trying to get to me and she had a pen in her hand. She didn’t take it out of her hand and went for me… it went in my arm.”
Despite the startling nature of the incident, Grover maintained a lighthearted perspective, downplaying the severity of the situation. He reassured, “It’s fine. I know the intention behind it. She did not want to stab me. That’s a stupid thing,” and he humorously added, “if you want to stab somebody with a pen. Get a knife.” Concluding his answer on a serious note, Karan said, “Don’t get a knife. Don’t stab people. It was just an accident.”
Coming back to Fighter, directed by Siddharth Anand and presented by Viacom18 Studios in association with Marflix Pictures, it was released on January 25. The aerial-actioner is currently running in theatres.
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