Kartik Aaryan is currently gearing up for his upcoming release, Kabir Khan’s directorial Chandu Champion. The actor has worked hard to play the character of an athlete. Last night the actor attended an award show where he received Best Actor (critics) award for his portrayal of Sattu in Satyaprem Ki Katha opposite Kiara Advani. Later that night, when Manoj Bajpayee received an award, he specially dedicated the award to Kartik Aaryan. While giving his winning speech, The Family Man actor called Kartik on stage and called him the true representative of outsiders in the industry and also dedicated the award to him.
Manoj Bajpayee lauds Kartik Aaryan; says, “Kartik is the true representative of all the people coming from outside”
Manoj Bajpayee said, “Kartik is the true representative of all the people coming from outside with stars in their eyes and make it with sheer resilience, intelligence and complete dedication. So, before I thank by director, I thank you and all actors like you who are gathering so much courage and coming to this big bad world and keep knocking the door hard, harder and hardest all the time till the door opens. So, this is also for you, Kartik.”
Chandu Champion marks Kartik and Kabir’s first association and the second one with Sajid Nadiadwala after Satyaprem Ki Katha. Jointly produced by Sajid Nadiadwala and Kabir Khan, Chandu Champion is all set to release on June 14, 2024.
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