The recently released Hrithik Roshan starrer Fighter has been finding its box office journey a bit tough. However, the Siddharth Anand directorial that hit screens on January 25 opened on a modest note, and even managed to cross the Rs. 100 cr mark at the domestic box office. In fact, with the film crossing the Rs. 100 cr mark, Hrithik Roshan finds himself at the seventh spot on the list of actor with the most number of Rs. 100 cr grosser.
With seven releases that have made it past the Rs. 100 cr mark Hrithik Roshan now equals Ranbir Kapoor and Ranveer Singh both of whom have seven releases each that have made it past the Rs. 100 cr mark. Interestingly, while with Fighter Hrithik has now moved a notch higher, he manages to place higher than other actors like Aamir Khan, and Riteish Deshmukh who each have 6 releases and Prabhas with 4 releases. However, leading the list is Salman Khan with 17 releases, followed by Akshay Kumar with 16, Ajay Devgn with 13, amd Shah Rukh Khan with 10 releases.
Currently, Hrithik manages to place within the Top 10 actors with the highest number of Rs. 100 cr grosser, however with the underperformance of Fighter at the box office; it seems unlikely that the film will cross the Rs. 200 cr mark. Given this scenario, hopes of Hrithik Roshan entering the Rs. 200 cr club with yet another release are non-existent.
Top 5 Actors with the Highest Number of Rs. 100 cr grossers:
Salman Khan – 17 releases
Akshay Kumar – 16 releases
Ajay Devgn – 13 releases
Shah Rukh Khan – 10 releases
Ranveer Singh – 7 releases
Ranbir Kapoor – 7 releases
Hrithik Roshan – 7 releases