Fighter, starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone, is currently running in theatres. Also starring Anil Kapoor, Karan Singh Grover and Akshay Oberoi in pivotal roles, the film directed by Siddharth Anand released on January 25. In a recent conversation, the actor talked about going bare-chested for Fighter and why he pushes back on dance and those other sequences.
Hrithik Roshan tends to push back on bare-chest scenes and dance sequences; says, “I don’t think anybody wakes up as the best version of themselves”
Speaking to Film Companion, Hrithik Roshan said, “I have studied my face. I have spent years before Kaho Na Pyaar Hai came out, for 10 years, I was studying my face because this is my product. Call it vanity but I think it is also an actor’s responsibility if he wants to be recognized in that category of actors who can back films like this, then you have to know your face, you have to know your light, you have to know what makes your face look the way you want it to look. So, I know how to light my face. I know how to light my eyes. I have spent years and years perfecting it. Because all of that skill comes into play in a film like Fighter, which is also hard work.”
Furthermore, Hrithik said that no one wakes up with the best versions of her themselves. He shared, “Trust me, I don’t think anybody wakes up as the best version of themselves… nobody…none of us. It is very important to recognize that. Else it goes to your head. You can’t start thinking that that is who you are, and that is why I am open to talking about it. It really is a house of cards.”
He added, “The angle of the camera. The light that is falling in my eye. Sometimes I give the best shot as an actor and then realize that the light didn’t do what I thought it was doing.”
Talking about the bare-chested scenes in Fighter, Hrithik said, “So, I have a very objective view about myself. I also have a perspective of knowing all the… I know all my fault lines so I’m quick to catch something that is not really working. In a film like Fighter, it was important to have a physique. It’s Sid (Siddharth) Anand’s film.”
He revealed, “So initially, they were like 12 shots. I just knew this was not going to work. So that’s when the collaborator in me sits with my director (Siddharth Anand) and says, ‘I don’t think it works with 12 shots. I think we should have three, and that should be good enough. I am very aware that I should not overdo that. It has to serve the narrative.’”
Hrithik Roshan went on to say that in over his 20-year career, he has gone bare-chested in Dhoom, Krrish, Krrish 3, Bang Bang! and Fighter. He said that he often tends to push back on bare-chested scenes and dance sequences, adding “Dance and going bare-chested, these are the two things that I push back on all the time. Sometimes, you know, dance is just illogical. You have got to work harder to see how to make this character dance. Not just Hrithik Roshan, but just the character, what would make him dance. There has got to be something that makes everyone dance.”
Fighter also stars Sanjeeda Shaikh, Talat Aziz, Pradum Shukla, and Pradum Jaykar in pivotal roles. The film marks Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone’s first collaboration and his third one with Siddharth Anand after Bang Bang and War.
ALSO READ: Hrithik Roshan resorted to smoking for two weeks after Fighter body shots which turned into a disaster: “My resting heart rate went up”
More Pages: Fighter Box Office Collection , Fighter Movie Review
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