Ira Khan, who tied the knot with fitness trainer Nupur Shikhare in a lavish wedding ceremony set amid the mountains in Rajasthan, also accompanied her father as the Khan family hosted a lavish reception in the city for their fraternity friends. From Shah Rukh Khan to Salman Khan to many popular stars from the industry made their presence felt that the event and among them was also the actor’s Dil Chahta Hai co-star Sonali Kulkarni and 3 Idiots co-star Ali Fazal.
Sonali Kulkarni and Ali Fazal pen emotional notes after attending Aamir Khan’s daughter Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare’s wedding reception
Post the ceremony, many of them also took to social media to givi users a sneak peek into the inside photos and videos of the event. Sonali Kulkarni, who attended the event with her husband Nachiket Pantvaidya, penned a heartfelt note which she dedicated to her co-star Aamir Khan and also expressed her gratitude towards the groom Nupur Shikhare who is also her fitness trainer. In the note she wrote, “My dear super cool trainer @nupur_popeye and beautiful @khan.ira hearty congratulations.. May you two discover the magic of having each other and celebrating each day with gratitude ?? be blessed” She added, “Dear Amir.. your warmth and humility is just unique.. It was one the most memorable gatherings I have ever attended ?? touched.. God bless you ??Love !!!”
On the other hand, Ali Fazal, who also attended the wedding with Richa Chadha, shared an unseen moment featuring his wife and yesteryear actress Saira Banu. Along with giving blessings to the newly weds, Ali also penned a long note saying, “Hamesha Der kar deta hoon main… ????. Muneer niyazi has summed me up well. So many times i have pondered to come give my salaams- lekin ek din aise mulaqaat ho jaaygi socha nahi thha. I have admired the two of you since i have known cinema- Yusuf saab and You Saira ma’am, for all the years of pureness you brought to this fraternity that owes you everything. I never got a chance to study the craft but i never felt lonely , i was blessed that i had this encyclopedia of cinema to learn from – the two people who’ve influenced me the most – Dilip Saab and Marlon brando – the actors whose work i have studied frame by frame. . God bless you Ira And Nupur- the reception was indeed beautiful because for one this happened among other amazing run ins. Oh and watching you both smile away for hrs- A love filled evening .”
Ira Khan and Nupur Shikhare started dating during lockdown and registered their marriage on January 3 in Mumbai. Later, they decided to celebrate it in a grand manner in Udaipur, followed by two receptions.
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