In a fervent appeal, India’s best men’s singles player had said that just 900 euros (approx Rs 80,000) remained in his bank account and that he needed a “big sponsor”.“At one point last year, Sumit faced acute financial problems due to lack of sponsors,” father Suresh Nagal told TOI.“He had a steady sponsor early on in his career. It was a big corporate but they pulled out when Covid started.
“He (Sumit) is employed with Indian Oil and whatever salary he got, he put that into his tennis, participating in various tournaments on the Tour. Slowly, his savings depleted,” Suresh, a school teacher in Delhi’s Punjabi Bagh, said.
Subsequently, a sports drink company has entered into a partnership with him. The Delhi Lawn Tennis Association (DLTA) also stepped in to help.
“Sumit’s career had come to a halt but it’ll be prolonged, for now. But Sumit needs more sponsors. The situation he faced last year shouldn’t come again, he can’t be making appeals every other year,” said the father, adding, “Mahesh Bhupathi has helped him a lot too. He has been Sumit’s mentor.”
Sumit also underwent a complicated hip surgery in 2021 and contracted Covid twice.
“It has been an emotional roller-coaster for him. For six months (due to the surgery), he didn’t go to the court. Gradually, he gathered confidence and came back in 2022.”
Sumit Nagal stuns 31st seed Alexander Bublik in Australian Open