There was a gentle rise in collections on Saturday for Merry Christmas as Rs. 3.40 crores came in. The film had brought in Rs. 2.30 crores on Friday so the minimum expectation was that Rs. 3 crores mark would be crossed a day later. Thankfully for the film, that has happened and then a little more has come in as well.
That said, there is still some journey that the Sriram Raghavan directed film needs to cover from here on since this isn’t one of those token theatrical releases and the idea is to make moolah from box office sales as well. The film has been made keeping big screen multiplex audiences in mind and hence the bare minimum expectation is to get at least that segment of audiences in theatres.
One waits to see that happening with added momentum today as well. Again, the idea would be to have Rs. 4 crores milestone crossed next so that the film comes at least close to the Rs. 10 crores mark, if not go past it. Currently, the Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi starrer stands at Rs. 5.70 crores and while this is at-par score when it comes to the genre, stage and setting of the film, given its production there is a lot more that it would be aiming to earn from here onwards.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources