Merry Christmas has taken a fair start at the box office with Rs. 2.30 crores coming in. The film was always meant to be a word of mouth affair and given the kind of genre that it belongs to, the occupancy on the first day is decent enough to ensure that now momentum can come in. Sometimes, when very different kind of films release in theatres, then they turn out to be dead on arrival regardless of the cast. Last year, that had happened with Arjun Kapoor and Tabu starrer Kuttey when it was the first release in theatres.
Thankfully that’s not the case at all with Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi starrer Merry Christmas, which is a niche film too that can find an audience of its own amongst the intelligentsia. Sriram Raghavan is known to make really different kind of films and this one too has his trademark touch and feel to it. However, unlike Badlapur, which is his most massy film till date (in comparison) and Andhadhun (which was different too but still had those claptrap moments), Merry Christmas is more of that ‘mood/atmospheric film’ while belonging to the noir genre. Hence, the footfalls would be in accordance as well.
As growth will definitely happen today and tomorrow, a weekend of Rs. 10 crores is a given for the film. What would be interesting though is whether the film can go beyond that as well, and then Monday collections hold on well too. That would be the key to the kind of success Merry Christmas turns out to be.
Note: All collections as per production and distribution sources
More Pages: Merry Christmas Box Office Collection , Merry Christmas Movie Review