The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission (TNPSC) has announced the main result on its official website, The candidates who took the examination can now check their results online through candidate login.
Following the Group 2 main exam held on February 25, 2023, successful candidates for Group 2A services will proceed directly to appointment procedures.Those selected for other TNPSC Group 2 services will undergo an interview stage.
The TNPSC Group 2 examination is conducted to fill vacancies in various non-gazetted Group B and Group C posts in the Tamil Nadu government. The selection process involves a preliminary examination, a main written examination, and an interview.
Direct link to check the TNPSC Group 2 Result 2024
Candidates should note that their access to Onscreen Certificate Verification is conditional. The Commission will meticulously examine and authenticate the details submitted in their online application, such as qualifications, community category, disability status, etc., against original documents. Should any discrepancy or falsity be detected, the application will be invalidated, their provisional Onscreen Certificate Verification revoked, and they be barred from progressing in the selection process.
It is important to highlight that the selection process for Non-Interview posts will be addressed subsequently, only after the finalization of the selection for Interview posts. This approach ensures a systematic and organized progression in the overall recruitment process.
Furthermore, the admission of candidates to the Onscreen Certificate Verification is provisional. This provision is subject to the subsequent verification and acceptance of the claims made in the candidates’ online applications. The claims related to Age, Educational Qualification, Communal Category, PSTM (Persons Studied in Tamil Medium), Religion, Gender, Differently Abled Persons, Destitute Widow, Ex-Servicemen, Experience, etc., will be scrutinized against original documents.
Following the Onscreen Certificate Verification, the next step involves publishing a list of eligible candidates for the Oral Test. This list will be generated in the ratio of 1:2 / 1:3, underlining the meticulous nature of the selection process. However, it is crucial to understand that the mere inclusion of a candidate’s register number in this list does not automatically imply that their candidature has been fully considered for the next stage of selection.
It is emphasized that any discrepancy or falsehood discovered during this verification process will have serious consequences. If any claim made in the online application is found to be false or incorrect, the candidate’s online application will be rejected, their provisional admission to Onscreen Certificate Verification will be cancelled, and they will be disqualified from proceeding to the next stage of the selection process. This stringent verification process ensures the integrity and reliability of the TNPSC Group-II Services recruitment.
Following the Group 2 main exam held on February 25, 2023, successful candidates for Group 2A services will proceed directly to appointment procedures.Those selected for other TNPSC Group 2 services will undergo an interview stage.
The TNPSC Group 2 examination is conducted to fill vacancies in various non-gazetted Group B and Group C posts in the Tamil Nadu government. The selection process involves a preliminary examination, a main written examination, and an interview.
Direct link to check the TNPSC Group 2 Result 2024
Candidates should note that their access to Onscreen Certificate Verification is conditional. The Commission will meticulously examine and authenticate the details submitted in their online application, such as qualifications, community category, disability status, etc., against original documents. Should any discrepancy or falsity be detected, the application will be invalidated, their provisional Onscreen Certificate Verification revoked, and they be barred from progressing in the selection process.
It is important to highlight that the selection process for Non-Interview posts will be addressed subsequently, only after the finalization of the selection for Interview posts. This approach ensures a systematic and organized progression in the overall recruitment process.
Furthermore, the admission of candidates to the Onscreen Certificate Verification is provisional. This provision is subject to the subsequent verification and acceptance of the claims made in the candidates’ online applications. The claims related to Age, Educational Qualification, Communal Category, PSTM (Persons Studied in Tamil Medium), Religion, Gender, Differently Abled Persons, Destitute Widow, Ex-Servicemen, Experience, etc., will be scrutinized against original documents.
Following the Onscreen Certificate Verification, the next step involves publishing a list of eligible candidates for the Oral Test. This list will be generated in the ratio of 1:2 / 1:3, underlining the meticulous nature of the selection process. However, it is crucial to understand that the mere inclusion of a candidate’s register number in this list does not automatically imply that their candidature has been fully considered for the next stage of selection.
It is emphasized that any discrepancy or falsehood discovered during this verification process will have serious consequences. If any claim made in the online application is found to be false or incorrect, the candidate’s online application will be rejected, their provisional admission to Onscreen Certificate Verification will be cancelled, and they will be disqualified from proceeding to the next stage of the selection process. This stringent verification process ensures the integrity and reliability of the TNPSC Group-II Services recruitment.