Veteran Bollywood actress Mumtaz, a reigning star of the ’60s and ’70s, recently shed light on an unknown chapter from her career: her departure from Raj Kapoor’s iconic film Mera Naam Joker. For the unversed, Mumtaz was known as a sex symbol in the ‘70s. She was initially cast as the leading lady opposite Kapoor in the ambitious project. However, her journey with the film took an unexpected turn as she was dating Shammi Kapoor at that time.
Mumtaz recalls Raj Kapoor cutting her from Mera Naam Joker as she was dating Shammi Kapoor
It all happened during her conversation with Pakistani news portal, Dawn. She recalled that Raj had her audition for the role, but later decided against casting her. She asserted, “Raj ji had me audition for Mera Naam Joker but he later cut me saying that, ‘You will come to our house and we don’t want you to wear such small clothes in the film.’ So he decided not to cast me in the film.”
The veteran actress was supposed to play the character of the trapeze artist named Marina in Mera Naam Joker, which was essayed by a Russian actress, Kseniya Ryabinkina.
Speaking of Mumtaz and Shammi’s affair, the former couple parted ways after the latter asked the former for marriage. Later, in 1974, Mumtaz tied the knot with Ugandan businessman Mayur Madhvani. The actress was last seen in Aandhiyan, a David Dhawan film, released in 1990. After that, she settled in London.
Also Read: Mumtaz and Asha Bhosle dancing to ‘Koi Sehri Babu’ is the sweetest thing you’ll see today, watch
More Pages: Mera Naam Joker Box Office Collection
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