On the joyous occasion of Anshula Kapoor’s 33rd birthday, the Kapoor family showered heartfelt wishes on social media, expressing their love for the birthday girl. Actress Khushi Kapoor, Anshula’s sister, took to Instagram Stories to share a candid snapshot from the cake-cutting ceremony. In the picture, Anshula, dressed in casual black attire, is seen cutting a birthday cake adorned with feathers.
Arjun and Khushi Kapoor extend heartfelt birthday wishes to sister Anshula Kapoor
Khushi Kapoor extended her wishes, writing, “Happy happy birthday to my sister! It’s Anshula day.”
Arjun Kapoor, the doting brother, couldn’t miss the opportunity to convey his warm birthday wishes to his beloved sister. Taking to his Instagram account, the actor shared a delightful video montage capturing the fun-filled moments they shared at Winter Wonderland in London. Alongside the video, Arjun Kapoor penned a heartfelt note, expressing, “Happy Birthday to my partner in crime! In life, no mission feels impossible with you around.” The video montage showcased the strong bond and camaraderie between Arjun and Anshula, highlighting the memorable experiences they’ve shared.
As the Kapoor family celebrates Anshula’s special day, social media continues to buzz with warm wishes and greetings for the birthday girl. Anshula Kapoor, known for her close-knit relationship with her siblings, is undoubtedly enjoying the love and affection pouring in from her family on this joyous occasion. As she steps into a new year of life, fans and well-wishers join in to extend their heartfelt birthday wishes to the beloved member of the Kapoor family.
Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor hugs ‘magical’ Khushi Kapoor after The Archies premiere: “Sunshine of cinema”
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